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Zenith specialises in the sale, installation and maintenance of canopies for permanent and semi-permanent use.
Frequently asked questions
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For Schools, Colleges, Universities and Hospitals, as a general rule you do not need Planning Permission for structures under 100m2 in size if you satisfy certain criteria.
We will be pleased to advise you about full details of whether or not a development is permitted.
If you require assistance with any planning permission issues, we will be pleased to advise you and can get one of our planning consultants to quote accordingly.
For Pubs, Hotels, Restaurants, Theme Parks and so on, there are no hard and fast rules as to whether or not planning permission is required for our canopies, awnings or gazebos as they are not regarded as permanent structures.
Each individual council generally have their own rules for planning requirements.
We will be pleased to assist in applications for planning if it is required.
Yes. We can install the foundations using our own contractor. However, if you would prefer to do this yourself through your own contractor.
We will supply you with the necessary foundation drawings with specifications for you to give to your preferred groundworks contractor. We are happy to liaise with them.
Most of our structures have integral gutter systems whereby the beams act as gutters.
The rainwater runs off the canopy, down through the legs and out through a drainage hole at the bottom.
If you wish to recycle the water it is easy to attach water butts.
Our highly experienced site surveyors will be able to advise you about the best methods in connecting to existing drains or installing new Aco drains to deal with water from the canopy.